Re: Ohio State 2017-2018: pour another Schott
This goes back to the same issue we had with on campus playoffs during the CCHA days where the university contracts with the Ohio High School Athletic Association to host the state high school wrestling & basketball tournaments in our home arena so we get bumped out, a very touchy subject among the hockey fans here.
The almighty dollar is MUCH more important to the school than their own sports programs and I thought our administrators were the only jerks who did this but the Wisconsin fans is seems deal with the EXACT same scenario with the Kohl Center. It just su*ks the B1G and NCAA allow schools to do that.
As far as a must win? You guys know as well as anyone what it's like to keep momentum rolling this time of year and there's always the excitement/dread of playing Michigan again this season. It would be a record if we beat you 5 times in a season and given the rivalry between our two schools it would definitely sustain and increase that momentum but we are also quite aware you are a much improved team and could quite well beat us hence the dread factor.
Right now we could in theory finish with that #4 Pairwise ranking and possibly get our first ever #1 seeding so winning to get every advantage going into the NCAA's is a must do for that alone regardless of the rivalry factor.
It should be a very intense game with the one & done and safe travels to all who come down to support your team.
Wow - what a season and the fun part is just getting started! With the talk of new arena, I had my "ah-ha" moment on Saturday night looking around at the crowd at Nationwide Arena. When you start looking at things from an administration point of view, MIH will never get a new arena as the Schott serves the purpose just fine (as much as a cavern as it is). Similar to adding on a practice gym for BB to the Schott, in their eyes, add on an auxillary 1,500 seat ice rink for WIH and the problem is solved.
As they see it, MIH now has a practice rink they can walk into and not have to take a short bus to, WIH now has a new modern facility and solves the contract issue (if the rumor is true with the coach about having a new facility within 3 years). Once the Covelli is finished, bulldozing the field house and ice rink and returing it to green space solves that mission and the Schott now becomes the marquee facility for Ohio State MIH & WIH without spending a whole lot of money in the grand scheme of things.
If the B1G or NCAA isn't going to set standard size rink rules (big sheet of ice in MN and WI) for college hockey, they surely aren't going to stipulate where on campus playoff games are played. In fact, I'd bet that the B1G was happy to promote their hockey "rivalry" of Ohio State vs *ichigan was played in an NHL arena. From an administration and recruiting perspective, playing a playoff game in an NHL arena which is where the majority of recruits want to end up in a few years anyway, this is a golden opportunity, regardless of the attendance.
My "ah-ha" moment was looking at the $ on Saturday night. With Ohio State, everything comes down to $.
Say 6,000 tickets at $20 = $120k. It costs $5k/hour to rent NWA with a four hour minimum. OSU probably works a better deal but let's say the cost to rent the facility was $20k plus incidental fees and charges. That's $90k+ revenue for one of the biggest games of the year for OSU as well as the B1G. Again from an administration point of view, that is a cost savings and an investment.
Additionally, with both teams on the upswing and headed to a possible B1G championship and another NCAA appearance, I'm sure administration is looking at this and saying you've made it this far with the assets that we have, why fix it if it isn't broken?
Just my two cents. It is an incredibly exciting time to be an Ohio State Hockey fan....let's keep this thing rolling for the next few weeks!