Re: Official 2012 Miami Off-Season Thread
So the NCHC post season tourney is at the target center. I don't think Miami will ever have more than 50 fans...
You can bank on virtually no students. As road trip happy as we were the last few years of school, even I probably would have balked at a 24 hour round trip in three days. Logistics aside, that is going to get expensive in a hurry, and whereas most people could find a friend's apartment or parents' house at which to crash in Detroit, how many people at Miami know someone from Minneapolis
Someone over on MHT mentioned the MSP Alumni chapter had pulled 30+ people for game watches in the past, so maybe there is a shot at 100 or so folks, but anything more than that will be a pleasant surprise. Personally, I'll be more likely to spend money in the next few years on a flight out to North Dakota or Denver/CC to see our first road series at those rinks over a ticket to go sit in a 3/4 empty Target Center.
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm decidedly less excited about this conference than I was 9 months ago. Once the relief of not being left behind wore off, the fact that the tournament is going to suck (location, attendance, venue), and that we as fans only have one manageable road trip is kind of ****ty. We'd be in the exact same situation in Hockey East or the nWCHA though, so I guess it really doesn't matter.
I find it hard to believe that he would go through all that effort to get on the team just to bail a year later. I mean, it can't be a playing time issue...
I don't know how much effort was actually involved there. IIRC he was set to attend Miami as a regular student when he heard about Murphy decommiting, so his father contacted Rico and asked if he could get a tryout. He showed up at Goggin the first day of orientation, skated around with Trags for 20 minutes and was on the team as a practice player. At any rate I just remember seeing some quote along the line that his stint with the team could be for just the one year until the roster could be filled out with scholarship players (coaching decision, not his).