Always good to see redeagle break things down in simple terms. We talk about these things often. but for everyone else geesh....
I know why fangers is upset, but to blame others because UAH decided to cut their program is flat out wrong. IMO. All of this movement is actaully better for college hockey. Narrow minded people across the country, not you fangers, can't see it now but the "new" WCHA is the BEST situation for all of those schools. You are putting D II athletic departments, outside of BG, all in the same conference with simlar school sizes, simlar budgets, and similar desires. Now instead of competing against schools with much larger budgets in their conferences they have a chance to make it to the national tournament every year where lets be honest those chances were few and far between in their old conferences over the last decade or two. Its no body's fault that UAH is where it is, but it was on an island by itself. College hockey is going to expand and maybe UAH was a casualty of that but there are other schools looking to add D I hockey very soon i.e. Buffalo, Indiana, Minn-cookston. This re alignment needed to happen and now that we got it out of the way the foundation for the future is set for college hockey and it will grow.
As for all of the bashing of this team, not surprised by it. Bandwagoon jumpers are showing their true color right now. Its really funny how short term memory loss runs rampid in this program. Guess people forget how bad this team was just 4 years ago with all the freshmen before they got better every day and put it together in february and made it to the national champhionship game. Seriously people is freaking october, calm down. Its obvious this team isn't playing well, but you have to be ignorant to not understand this team has talent. It takes time to get a unit to play together. The have only really had 4 weeks of practice, there is no "pre-season" in college hockey so its a constant trial by error. If by january they are still looking this bad then we can panic but holy cow the negativity in 3 weeks and complete 180 turn is just disgusting!