Ross Perot went from being highly respected to highly suspect. Remember? He was against govmint spending, but the basis of his fortune is government contracts. He blamed Bush for sending goons to disrupt his daughter's wedding reception. And claimed he shot a Black Panther assassin in the azz/ And, my favorite, gave up his commission in the Navy "because the sailors were using bad language." Anyway, in Perot's case it was personal, he wanted to deny Bush a second term and was singularly successful. Clearly, Trump's motivation here is different. And the world is a different place now, where a guy like Trump is seen as a plausible candidate (and may be, who knows?). He's got a lot of baggage from his personal life. And as a NY player has undoubtedly done business with guys with broken noses. Some picture surfaces of Trump with his arm around Joey Bagodonuts and he'll have a lot of 'splaining to do. The "birther" issue gives him street cred with the Jesse Ventura crowd. But it may be more than that. Maybe some people want to slap back at BHO or are worn out by constant references to what a superior person he is. Anyway, my sense is some people really believe the nonsense, while others just see it as an easy way to rain on his parade. As to an independent run, I'm doubtful he'd be willing to do it. The guy has a lot going for him (money and name recognition to name two) but has some serious potential problems with his private life. I'm guessing there are some very interesting items in his various pre-nups and divorce decrees. And that personal stuff always comes out, just ask John Edwards. Bottom line, I think this is a tease.