Interesting read. On the first table when you looked at Opp win% did you include their records against the team you are actually considering? It probably won't make a huge difference, but for the story you are trying to tell it would be more exact. Additionally, how is it possible that teams Kelleher has played OOC have played >120 more games than NU or Union's opponents. Also since Union plays Ivy League opponents I find it surprising their opponents have played 37 more games than NU, as they have 6 in conference opponents who play nearly 10 fewer games than NU's equivalent opponents.
I am not a huge fan of punishing a player for being on the ice when empty net goals are scored for their team. For one thing it means they were on the ice in crucial situations. Secondly it means they succeeded in those crucial situations. From a pure points perspective its interesting to track, but I am not sure it can be considered a huge negative.