NU Speed Racer
Doghouse Alum
Re: Northeastern 2012-2013 Season Thread: A New Hope
Donations to the program has helped. If you're not too much of a complete idiot to understand this, donations is what has gotten us a new center scoreboard and fixed the roof. It's what renovated the lobby. It's what has completely upgraded the weight rooms and video rooms under the seating area which I am sure you've never seen. It's what has completely overhauled Cabot to make the athletic department on par with other CAA teams. Did you know before football was eliminated, some woman's sports teams coaches had to share offices (Volleyball and Softball had the same room).
Donations help build a program.
You personally can not. I personally can not. But as a collective, things change. It was a collective of people that finally removed Crowder, 4 years too late. All because people didn't want to upset a guy who said hi to them in the varsity club.
You continue to amaze me with how completely wrong you are and how people like you are the cancer in our program. The point shouldn't be about convincing kids to come here. The point shouldn't be about how its no ones dream to play for NU. NU shouldn't be a punishment for 17 yr olds because their dreams were shattered by York or Parker.
HHV is right. Its not just BC and BU, its Lowell, UMass, MC and PC now that are taking away guys who's dreams were shattered.
The point is that WE SHOULD be a place kids want to play. WE SHOULD be 12 yr olds favorite team. WE SHOULD be a life long goal and dream for Boston area players.
And why not? we have the best arena, the best crowd experience, the best campus. We are 3 blocks from Fenway. 2 blocks from a mall. A 10 minute walk from one of the trendiest shopping streets on the east coast. Everything NON hockey is there, we just need a program that excites them.
This whole conversation is about how people don't want this to continue. It's about changing the next 15 years.
What will I do? I don't know. Does my donation stop for a couple years? Does it get smaller? Do I look at the schedule and see a weekend vs. Maine for a game where I go, "you know, maybe I just won't go to that one this time"? All possible, but I understand that nothing like that helps the program.
What helps the program is igniting a fan base into caring. What helps the program is letting the board and president know that we are not happy with the status quo and demand change "or else".
As with everything, the bottom line speaks the loudest. The current problem is that with the current AD, when the bottom line goes red, the hockey team will join the football team in the forever undefeated category.
Maybe you're right and people like me are just powerless to make change. But when the younger alums like myself are united and eager to make this program better and continue to grow in size, while the older alums like yourself that are complacent, hope for next year, worry they'll offend someone in the varisty club, enjoy six 10-win seasons just to see if this next guy is the right one, retire and die off. Maybe then in 15 years, the change in mindset of the program will make the change for us.
We're just looking out for you, so that you get more than 1 Beanpot win before you hang up the skates.
You can say that you won't sit by and let things continue, I think you have an ego problem. Who the **** are you to do anything? You donate money, good for you. How has that worked?
Donations to the program has helped. If you're not too much of a complete idiot to understand this, donations is what has gotten us a new center scoreboard and fixed the roof. It's what renovated the lobby. It's what has completely upgraded the weight rooms and video rooms under the seating area which I am sure you've never seen. It's what has completely overhauled Cabot to make the athletic department on par with other CAA teams. Did you know before football was eliminated, some woman's sports teams coaches had to share offices (Volleyball and Softball had the same room).
Donations help build a program.
I want them to win just as much as you do, but I am not so ****in stupid to think that I can do anything about it.
You personally can not. I personally can not. But as a collective, things change. It was a collective of people that finally removed Crowder, 4 years too late. All because people didn't want to upset a guy who said hi to them in the varsity club.
Try and convince these kids who have no interest in NU to come here. Go walk into a locker room of 12 year old kids, ask them who there favorite college hockey team is? If 1 said NU I'd be shocked. You think it was any of these current huskies dream to play for NU? Olesiak wanted BU, Bu wanted him but they had no scholarships left so it was of to NU.
You continue to amaze me with how completely wrong you are and how people like you are the cancer in our program. The point shouldn't be about convincing kids to come here. The point shouldn't be about how its no ones dream to play for NU. NU shouldn't be a punishment for 17 yr olds because their dreams were shattered by York or Parker.
HHV is right. Its not just BC and BU, its Lowell, UMass, MC and PC now that are taking away guys who's dreams were shattered.
The point is that WE SHOULD be a place kids want to play. WE SHOULD be 12 yr olds favorite team. WE SHOULD be a life long goal and dream for Boston area players.
And why not? we have the best arena, the best crowd experience, the best campus. We are 3 blocks from Fenway. 2 blocks from a mall. A 10 minute walk from one of the trendiest shopping streets on the east coast. Everything NON hockey is there, we just need a program that excites them.
You say in 15 years you wont stand by and let thiings remain the same. I HOPE they aren't! But what if they are? What will you do?
This whole conversation is about how people don't want this to continue. It's about changing the next 15 years.
What will I do? I don't know. Does my donation stop for a couple years? Does it get smaller? Do I look at the schedule and see a weekend vs. Maine for a game where I go, "you know, maybe I just won't go to that one this time"? All possible, but I understand that nothing like that helps the program.
What helps the program is igniting a fan base into caring. What helps the program is letting the board and president know that we are not happy with the status quo and demand change "or else".
As with everything, the bottom line speaks the loudest. The current problem is that with the current AD, when the bottom line goes red, the hockey team will join the football team in the forever undefeated category.
Maybe you're right and people like me are just powerless to make change. But when the younger alums like myself are united and eager to make this program better and continue to grow in size, while the older alums like yourself that are complacent, hope for next year, worry they'll offend someone in the varisty club, enjoy six 10-win seasons just to see if this next guy is the right one, retire and die off. Maybe then in 15 years, the change in mindset of the program will make the change for us.
We're just looking out for you, so that you get more than 1 Beanpot win before you hang up the skates.