Well, other than NMU giving up two PPGs and another "shorty" (what world record is that for shorty's now) it was a pretty evenly played game. If not for the failure to defend those three goals, it was either teams game to win or lose; and, unfortunately the 'Cats ended up on the wrong end of the deal.
I don't know what folks have with the officials; there wasn't much to call in that game and the hit in the corner, which I was near could have been called, but I thought the M player who got hit collapsed (read: took a dive) when he felt the hit from behind (but, I don't read intentions). The official in that instance was looking up ice and not at the boards as I remember. The call on Daugherty was simply one of those calls you get nowadays--no hard hits on open-ice in college hockey.
On a side note: I was a soccer official for a dozen years doing youth, high school and some small college gigs. I soon learned that it was probably easier for those standing on the sidelines and sitting in the stands to see some of the things I did not or could not. When you're a soccer official, or basketball or hockey official for that matter, you are moving, turning, pivoting your legs and body, moving and turning your head, while your eyes are moving, focusing, concentrating, all while everything and everybody about you are doing the same. Sometimes it's a blur out there. It is, at times, more difficult to comprehend what is going on immediately before you than something further away. I suspect it's the same for hockey officials. It's all about perspective. As in life, perspective is often tough to maintain. So, yes, sometimes coaches on the sidelines, fans in the stands, and those of you following along at home on the tube have better perspective than the official. Overall, I think
most officials do the best job they can do and by and large the calls of officials (good or bad) do not effect the outcome of a game. It is the team and players duty to overcome adversity (deserved or otherwise) and put the puck or "football" in the back of the net. Just my two cents...sorry for the homily

Anyway, it was nice to meet a few NMU folks last night and talk with the M fans I sat alongside. The renovations to Yost are very nice! The place seems much brighter and livelier than ever before, even with an attendance of 4506, which doesn't seem half bad what with many of the students on break.
I think I'll check out The Blue Tractor in A2 for dinner late this afternoon.
Hope for another good game tonight. GO 'CATS!