Want to help college hockey? Plenty of places the NHL can help existing teams without having to
search for places to dump their money with useless studies. Here is how the studies go:
Do you currently have a D-I hockey team on your campus? - No.
anyone on your campus want a team? - Yes.
"In summary, our study finds that men's hockey would be a great addition at XXXXX university/college. Many alumni, students and staff at XXXXX university/college are "very excited" about the prospects of having a D-I hockey team. We fully expect the program will be successful and will start play just as soon as they can find/build a suitable facility for the team and raise the necessary funds to start the team and pay the coaching staff and set a budget to keep the team going and start another women's sport to comply with Title IX..."
- How about they bankroll ASU a real hockey rink like they kept the Coyotes afloat for so many years?
- Why can't the NHL subsidize the AK programs to keep them on the ice?
- UAH is right down the road from Nashville. Where is the Predators' support for the Chargers if the NHL cares so much about D-I college hockey?
- Why is only men's hockey being evaluated? How about a women's D-I team in Michigan? Currently SEVEN men's programs in the state and none for women.
- Maybe a Kraft Hockeyville type award for D-I teams and give $100,000 to a college team each season based on program infrastructure needs?
Alaska has two teams on the brink of dropping their programs, but no NHL team there so they could care less. ASU is FIVE years into D-I hockey "with half a million alumni" and is still playing in a rink most HS teams wouldn't touch. Their "press box" has expanded metal mesh for the floor and a sprinkler water main pipe running through the middle of it four feet off the floor. Clearly hockey is a "huge" priority at ASU. UAH is in Alabama where only college football matters and the NHL already failed next door in Georgia (twice).
But yes, let's keep spending money on studies with predictable outcomes to tell budget crunched colleges with no money they should go find $100M to add men's hockey and another women's sport. Off the record, I'm sure the NHL would much rather spend their money on the Canadian Junior talent pipeline. But let's be honest, talking up US College Hockey is a better PR strategy for the NHL since most of their teams play in US cities.