I have retracted and/or corrected statements 3 times in the past two days so to say that I need to look in the mirror is just laughable.
Secondly, but as interesting none the less, is it is really on BC fans that are the ones that seem to have a problem???? Its really weird.
And for the record the problems seem to be all different. The only problem with Nick I have is his being an arrogant arse, but other wise he can actually be fair, sometimes amusing and otherwise a relatively intelligent person. You never see him trying this "gotcha" type shenanigans that you, slasher and now bcfan934788234 seem to.
Tony and Superjoe although annoying sometimes are also rather amusing. Tony for example did get me good with the they're, their and there thing. They are also fair and decent guys or at least appear to be, they can laugh when some one gets in a joke, they stick up for people regardless of affiliation when someone goes over board.
It's really just idiots like you, who refuse to admit to anything, take an online message board waaaaay too seriously and just are all in all and arse. You and the other two musketeers remind me of the loser kids on the playground that just jump on whatever one of the cool kids starts and then goes with it way too long in an attempt to be cool themselves, in reality simply demonstrating exactly what losers they are. A good example is your little ditty posted on the nemesis thead. Weak dude, really weak. Especially following Nick's. Get some help, talk to a therapist, or do what you gotta do.
The UML fans, well I don't get along with most of them, but that's for other reasons.