Re: MTU @ tUMD: Nerds swarm Duluth
tDogs2012 has been waiting to write on this thread, and after reading all tposts that were made, feels compelled to start now.
First off, tDogs2012 will not be attending tGrandma's on Saturday, as he will be underage at tcurrent time. tDogs2012 will, however, probably be drunk outside of tGrandma's trying to fight tbouncer to get in.
Also, tDogs 2012 thinks that CTF should hold a little higher standards for herself, and take note of the smart decision that tMEg has made, and stay away from tYooper meat. It's a good idea for CTF's health.
tDogs2012 has seen tMEg and tBiddco together many times, and thinks they are probably at their happiest when neither is wearing pants.
tDogs2012 thinks that if tNSSHG dislikes this thread, he should go b,ack to tPB, because he doesn't allow it there.
tDogs2012 has spoken.