Two goalies under friendly fire this afternoon, and after a couple of soft goals, one of them (Lethemon) has some work to do. Especially if TA makes good on platooning he and Minney. It's only a scrimmage, but the seniors took it quite seriously. Stenglein was easily the top guy with 2 goals, a nice setup for a Pavelek goal and nearly another to the same guy. That looks like a line that could stick (Stenglein, Saliba, Pavelek). Other goals came from Haag, Appleton, a guy names Sauchak (nice for him, and his family contingent who were there to appreciate it), and Ebbing.
Overall, some nice wide-open hockey at times. Maybe that's why 7 goals total - something that's been a bit unusual in the Green & White for several years. Green team takes it 5-2, with Minney the winning goalie. My day was complete in that there was NO prolonged shootout thingy at the end.
Top lines were (Green) Ebbing, Lambdin and Cox, with d-men Scarsella and Eliot, (White) Khoderenko, Hirose and Appleton and on D Rosburg and Osburn. Other combos were aforementioned Stenglein - Pavelek- Saliba, and Sanford-Haag-Milan.