I agree. In fact, this is one aspect of Minnesota sports that I've always seemed to hang my hat on. We know the Twins are okay, but we also know that they'll take a polite bow out in the first round of any playoff. You see, it's predictable. On a side note, it was kind of funny to see a Sioux fan in a UND hockey jersey wearing a Twins hat.[/QUOTE]
WHY? Are you so arrogant that North Dakota citizens are not allowed to support your state's major league baseball team? I, personally, am a UND alum, and a diehard Twins fan. A lot of people around the region are Twins fans, and I guess I don't understand why it's funny to see a Sioux fan wearing a Twins hat. A lot of them also like the Vikings. Is that okay with you?
Whoa. Easy there. I thought Minnesota fans were supposed to be the sensitive ones who got their feelings hurt too easily - according some other UND/MN posts I've read here, anyway.
Don't read too in-depth on this one, it was just a casual side comment. Nothing more. I'm not "so arrogant that North Dakota citizens ...etc, etc" I'm simply saying that it seemed a little unusual for a UND fan to be wearing anything other than UND apparel at their home game, especially when he was sporting a hat that supports a team from the very state UND was playing against. It's just fine that you support the Twins - I think that's great (at least we have one thing in common). But, do you wear a Twins hat with your Sioux hockey jersey at the Ralph when the Gophers come to play? It caught me off guard. If I really offended you, and you need me to apologize, then let me know. I'd be happy to give it to you.
As far as anyone, in any state, supporting any Minnesota pro sports team - the more the merrier. Welcome aboard.