You don't have to limit it to MN teams. Teams that start well are more prone to have better success later in the season. Unless you are JBSU. They are the proverbial exception to the rule.
It's science.
And JBSU fans suck.
Then Minnesota should have no problem proving it then should they?
That's all I'm saying...if they are different or "turned-around" prove it.
Part of being successful is knowing when to give a full effort and when to dial it back a bit.
Ooh, ooh, I know this one! Ummm... Aaron Ness? Jacob Cepis? How about Jordan Schroeder? Wait, I got it... Josh Birkholz! Oh, I give up, which of the Gophers that never reached the NCAAs must we credit this quote to?
I why should we be impressed by a 10-2 start?
Ummmm, maybe because a 10-2 start is, in fact, IMPRESSIVE?
Not really. We haven't played Anybody.
In Da-Loot?
SCSU conveniently forgets that.
I didn't forget.
I just don't care.
I didn't forget.
I just don't care.
Your fellow SCSU fans should. It shatters their 'the Gophers haven't played anyone' argument.
I bet you do make a boatload of money with that supercomputer in between your ears.
Who made that argument?
Clueless SCSU fans grasping for something, anything, to discredit the Gophers early season achievements.
This thread just makes me sad.
Jerking off to your salary and being a total ******* based on your perceived notions of intellectual capabilities, or limitations?
I've never much cared for any of the SCSU fans I've met in person, but I'd take any of them over the pompous **** I've seen from some Gopher fans this week.
It's one thing to have fun with the whole "Gopher Arrogance" bit when it is done tongue-in-cheek. But some folks are just being *******s for no other reason than to be an *******.
That being said...
I think the Gophers are a better team than St. Cloud, and I'll be disappointed with anything less than 3 pts this weekend.
This thread just makes me sad.
Jerking off to your salary and being a total ******* based on your perceived notions of intellectual capabilities, or limitations?
I've never much cared for any of the SCSU fans I've met in person, but I'd take any of them over the pompous **** I've seen from some Gopher fans this week.
It's one thing to have fun with the whole "Gopher Arrogance" bit when it is done tongue-in-cheek. But some folks are just being *******s for no other reason than to be an *******.
That being said...
I think the Gophers are a better team than St. Cloud, and I'll be disappointed with anything less than 3 pts this weekend.