I am fully aware that the frat boy destroyed a challis at Boyne Highlands which is in Harbor Springs located in the lower peninsula. The deal is that there isn't much up there, more than in the UP but still not a lot. It's "kinda" the same thing. I never stated that the resort was in the UP, just that it was in a less populated area like the UP (although definitely more populated).
The Danton Cole thing was bad. I took that from a source where I typically get information from but I actually never heard anything from that particular individual. From the sounds of it it actually may have happened until 2 things happened: 1.) the sparty job opening up, and 2.) countless UM hockey alumni calling AD Manuel and saying that they wanted Mel. Regardless I won't take anything that I hear from that individual and run with it in the future. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Mel wasn't a leap by any means, I only got on the Mel train after 2 things happened (1.) Cole went to sparty and 2.) a reputable source told me that Mel was coming). I've said this multiple times over the years, I didn't think that Mel would come back to Michigan after he got Tech up and running. Therefore I was on the Techie's side for the majority of time (wow that pains me to say).
I really don't have anything against the UP. It's just the Techie crap about how awesome it is offends me. They kept saying that it was so great the Mel would never leave. Even when I was on their side about Mel not leaving I didn't believe that. If it is so awesome for everyone there would b more people, businesses, money, etc. up there. Well there is some money up there BUT NOWHERE TO SPEND IT.