Since there's no Big 10 offseason thread, and the topic has come up in this thread, might as well discuss it here.
I see expectations being Minnesota winning the conference and Mich St. coming in 6th. After that, it gets murkier.
I'd probably put PSU/Wisco likely 4th and 5th in some order, and Mich/OSU likely 2nd and 3rd in some order. I kinda question giving that much respect to Michigan given just how much they have lost, but this is a program that has always been able to use the phrase "we don't rebuild, we reload." There's a reason why there's a running joke - if you don't know anything about Michigan in any given year, you can always just say "#1 recruiting class in the country." (obviously not always true, but they are always legitimately in the mix). It'll take more than just a stud freshman to get Michigan back to the NCAA Tournament, but a stud freshman and some improved defensive play will be enough to put them in the top-half of the Big 10.
We'll see. Nothing ever goes exactly as expected, but that's my take heading into 2016-2017.