Wi.Huskies Fan
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Perhaps I should say, I would love to see an economic boom in the Keweenaw (I took Prof. Lankton's Keweenaw history class! - I know how 'deep' mining goes in the area), but I'm being realistic.
Like 'spreader says, many people don't know just how "automated" mining is now. Drilling? Done by machine. Mucking & tramming? Done by machine. Many mines now use chemicals to more efficiently separate ore (hence the EPA site in Lake Linden), Sure, machines require operators and chemicals require Chem E's, but you need to know what you're doing to be employed. The days of a Finnish immigrant coming over and throwing/pushing rocks around for 12 hours a day, or a Cornishman using his dynamite skills to get employed as a miner, are totally over.
That doesn't even account for how many existing mines, having been dormant for decades, are now filled with water. The copper may be there, 8,000+ feet below, but who wants to spend the money to drain the old stopes?
Very good points you make. I realize mining isn't going to employ thousands like years ago. It is a good thing that there are regulations regarding mine waste chemicals and materials.
The mine in Humboldt in Western Marquette county is a new mine.It is a different way of mining compared to years ago. More automation and less labor. They would bring some job, but at least it would be better than nothing. I am sure that you would need training with all the new technology. That is a given. Any new amount of employment is good for the area. It is good to have discussions about it.
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