Shirtless Guy
Old Dirty Basterd
Re: Michigan Tech Huskies Off-Season 2019: The Quest to Get Hard
via the portal system? I don't really understand this. Gould isn't a graduate so Grad Transfer doesn't work. Every other player that has transferred even with release has had to sit out a year? I have heard zero evidence that MTU has any interest in preventing Gould from doing anything...
He is trying to gain eligibility via the portal system however your coach is fighting it. If he has to sit a year then so be it. After talking to him he seems to be content with whatever the outcome is.
via the portal system? I don't really understand this. Gould isn't a graduate so Grad Transfer doesn't work. Every other player that has transferred even with release has had to sit out a year? I have heard zero evidence that MTU has any interest in preventing Gould from doing anything...