Re: Michigan Tech 2016 Off-Season: Good Things are Taking Shape... The Shape of an Ov
Saturday was horrible. Just...nothing good at all to say about that embarrassing performance.
Sunday, they played much better, and in my opinion, undisciplined is not the right word. I didn't get that impression watching the game. Some stuff to clean up, but not as bad as it would look just looking at the box score. The officiating on Sunday was terrible. Uneven, inconsistent...couldn't even call icing right, since there were about 4 bad calls on icing only. Hell, they called offsides on Tech, when Tech was going into their own defensive zone. They called a blatant intentional elbow to the head only a 2 minute penalty... For the team, I really liked what I saw the first 2 periods, they looked very good, against a very good team. They got sloppy in the 3rd, gave up too many scoring chances on D, and paid the price. I thought Kero played well, and think with a few more games under his belt he'll be a fine replacement for Phillips.
Also, the in-arena production at Amsoil might be some of the worst in all of hockey. The sound was terrible. Music too loud to hear the announcer talking at the same time, extremely loud and distorted radio play calls played after each UMD goal, that you can hardly understand. I'm not sure if that is just poor sound quality, or just the fact that Ciskie is ****ing terrible as a play by play guy. How a team like UMD can put up with a hack like Ciskie is beyond me. Overall, the in-arena experience left much to be desired, which I found odd, because on previous visits to Amsoil, I didn't think it was bad at all.