Lies! I've had something thrown at me in all the D1 rinks in Ohio. Ok, fine, at the Schott I think it was popcorn (or a straw wrapper, can't remember which was Miami and which was OSU). So, yes, the hockey crowd is nicer than the crowd at the horseshoe where I had batteries thrown at me and I was spit at.
Actually, I've found hockey trips enjoyable everywhere I've gone and almost always find friendly, knowledgeable fans to have a conversation with.
Wisconsin tonight. We sold our tickets because husband doesn't get home from work until 6:30. 6 pm weekday game is dumb. Having the promotion be 'fan choice night' is even more dumb. Pretty sure a lot of fans would choose a different start time.
We need a sweep this weekend. Wisconsin is not good. I think they are more not good than us.