I'm absolutely thrilled with the hire. Easily the best candidate they could have asked for, should be able to get more top-flight talent to our program. Building not one, not two, but three also-ran programs into national champions as top assistant and lead recruiter is nothing to sneeze at.
Though I fully expect Barr to be a home run hire that does wonders for our program, I do want to temper my own expectations a bit. It's always possible that excellent #2s, as Barr has already proven itself to be, aren't quite cut out to be #1s. It's possible that a great recruiter can't always translate his players' talent to on-ice results and causes underachievement; David Quinn at BU comes to mind.
All that said, though, I still fully expect Barr to transform our program. I think he will knock it out of the park and return us to national relevance.