I agree on Amy but too bad that they lost tonight
Picked the wrong time for a bad game. Stony Brook wanted that game more than Maine!
I agree on Amy but too bad that they lost tonight
Sources indicate that Red Gendron will be returning for his 9th season behind the bench.
I don’t want to sound dramatic, but this has to be the most disappointing day in recent memory for me as a Maine hockey fan. What exactly is the university waiting for? It has been 8 seasons and it feels like we are back at square one.
I have given Red the benefit of the doubt at the beginning and after he brought in two good classes (Pearson fossier Holway) and (Swayman keeper Tralmaks). It felt like maybe we were trending in the right direction. However, the recruiting seems to have taken a turn for the worst.
We need to move on before this program becomes irreparable.
It’s easy for me to say where I don’t dislike Red, but I think this might be a good move short term and long term. Also, is there a hiring freeze at the school right now? Even if there isn’t it might be tough to bring on new employees at the minute.
I posted earlier there is supposedly going to be a lot of player movement in offseason and it’s good having a staff in place who know what they have and can adjust if anything unexpected pops up.
I think it’s easier to attract more candidates when life is back to normal as well. Keep in mind these jobs don’t pay massive money and someone might not want to go through the process of buying and selling a house right now along with moving their family.
I get that a lot of people with disapprove but I think it might actually work out better down the road.
This will probably be a 3 or 4 year extension.
Dumber decision Belichick keeping Newton or Maine keeping Red?
Don't disagree and it will never happen because of football. Football drives athletics at Umaine .Bringing Gendron back is an absolute white flag that the school has given up on ice hockey being a national power. If ice hockey isn't going to be a national power, I sincerely question what the point is in having UMaine athletics compete in division one.
This will probably be a 3 or 4 year extension.
This will probably be a 3 or 4 year extension.
Don't disagree and it will never happen because of football. Football drives athletics at Umaine .
Do they need to sign Red to an extension or could he be an at will employee like most private sector workers?
Not to be critical but I think a lot of people are missing the bigger picture. The school is undoubtedly losing millions of dollars and might not want the optics of signing a new coach to a million dollar plus contract.
Not to be critical but I think a lot of people are missing the bigger picture. The school is undoubtedly losing millions of dollars and might not want the optics of signing a new coach to a million dollar plus contract.