Re: LSSU Laker Hockey 2011-12
I realize your points there, but at both LSSU and NMU, all the games between the Lakers and Wildcats fell below the average attendance for the schools. When LSSU draws as many for Bowling Green as they do for NMU, it doesn't really say "rivalry." And the same thing in Marquette.
Of course there is. The Soo and Marquette have had a hockey rivalry for decades, and it is at every level, from squirt house up to college. Both teams have struggled attendance-wise, and the reason is pretty obvious: one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression, in an area (U.P.) that naturally and normally struggles a bit more than the rest of the state economically.
You know how they say when the U.S. sneezes Canada catches a cold? Well, when Detroit and Grand rapids sneeze, the U.P. goes into a coma. There simply is much less expendable income at this point and time. A $5 pizza and $4 movie is keeping families entertained in this economic climate, because $9 is the preferential option for many families over $40 for tickets and $15 for food and drinks at the arena.
I realize your points there, but at both LSSU and NMU, all the games between the Lakers and Wildcats fell below the average attendance for the schools. When LSSU draws as many for Bowling Green as they do for NMU, it doesn't really say "rivalry." And the same thing in Marquette.