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Re: Lindenwood University accepted into NCAA.
Those are some solid points I didn't think of. I do think it's important to have a conference for new programs, one in regular DI athletics is the Great West Conference. I really don't like that the CHA men's conference ended and hope that it maybe restarted with a more regional focus in the southeast or even west coast. On the Lindenwood subject. LU wanted to join the CHA back in the early 2000s but either NAIA, NCAA or both governing bodies rules prohibited it (they wanted to play NCAA DI men's and women's hockey and all other sports stay in the NAIA).
A limited scholarship conference like Atlantic Hockey has some positive impacts on growth and is perfect for the service academies (WAKE UP Navy!) but the word you used, "compete" is a stretch for most of those schools. They might upset a team every so often in the NCAA first or even second rounds but very unlikely an Atlantic Hockey will win the National Title. What could really work is a limited scholarship-DII National Collegiate level to really spark growth and create an FCS-like sub level.
I'll echo CARDS_rule_the_Burgh a little here... I'm glad that the Atlantic Hockey Association is a limited scholarship league and hope that it never goes away. It is a healthy place for schools to grow programs, or compete on a even playing field when they can't give scholarships (RIT) or are under serious recruiting restrictions (Air Force & Army). I hope some of the programs get more serious over time and become expansion candidates for other conferences, or the conference splits down the road as some of the programs add more scholarships, but I think a limited scholarship conference option on the East Coast could eventually drive some additional expansion of the sport.
Those are some solid points I didn't think of. I do think it's important to have a conference for new programs, one in regular DI athletics is the Great West Conference. I really don't like that the CHA men's conference ended and hope that it maybe restarted with a more regional focus in the southeast or even west coast. On the Lindenwood subject. LU wanted to join the CHA back in the early 2000s but either NAIA, NCAA or both governing bodies rules prohibited it (they wanted to play NCAA DI men's and women's hockey and all other sports stay in the NAIA).
A limited scholarship conference like Atlantic Hockey has some positive impacts on growth and is perfect for the service academies (WAKE UP Navy!) but the word you used, "compete" is a stretch for most of those schools. They might upset a team every so often in the NCAA first or even second rounds but very unlikely an Atlantic Hockey will win the National Title. What could really work is a limited scholarship-DII National Collegiate level to really spark growth and create an FCS-like sub level.
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