Accept UAH into the AHA
The Long Island University Sharknado
Accept UAH into the AHA
Man, what a gut punch after rallying to save the program, again. https://uahchargers.com/news/2021/5...gram-in-absence-of-conference-membership.aspx
I agree but only to a certain point. The WCHA 2.0 went away because it included three geographic outliers who were on shaky ground. Three out of eight teams were very distant travel, on the brink of folding and two of the three were not performing well on the ice.Atlantic Hockey could throw them a lifeline, but that's not a good reason to admit a school. It's why the WCHA is going away.
I agree but only to a certain point. The WCHA 2.0 went away because it included three geographic outliers who were on shaky ground. Three out of eight terms were very distant travel, on the brink of folding and two of the three were not performing well on the ice.
Atlantic Hockey picking up UAH would be less extreme because it is only one geographic outlier and the burden is split eleven ways, not seven. This doesn't make it a slam dunk that Atlantic should add UAH, but it makes the addition less painful simply because the conference is larger. You also have LIU and Lindenwood who are clearly going to want a conference home sooner rather than later, so Atlantic could find themselves splitting the UAH "burden" thirteen ways.
It was always contingent on getting into a conference. I suppose Atlantic Hockey could throw them a lifeline, but that's not a good reason to admit a school. It's why the WCHA is going away.
I agree but only to a certain point. The WCHA 2.0 went away because it included three geographic outliers who were on shaky ground. Three out of eight terms were very distant travel, on the brink of folding and two of the three were not performing well on the ice.
Atlantic Hockey picking up UAH would be less extreme because it is only one geographic outlier and the burden is split eleven ways, not seven. This doesn't make it a slam dunk that Atlantic should add UAH, but it makes the addition less painful simply because the conference is larger. You also have LIU and Lindenwood who are clearly going to want a conference home sooner rather than later, so Atlantic could find themselves splitting the UAH "burden" thirteen ways.
Adding members "just because" isn't a valid reason. Why split a burden when you don't have to incur it in the first place?
What value does UAH add to Atlantic Hockey?
UAH has two "burdens" that a conference must bare. First is location. Not really any way to fix that other than hope more teams start-up in closer proximity. Yes, UAH could just be the next ASU and never play at home, but that isn't sustainable. They could also play all their home games in a major city (Nashville) but again then what's the point of having the team if local fans can't attend most of the games. To my understanding, the WCHA 2.0 teams playing at UAH was not a financial burden, just simply the more painful travel logistics and time.
The second issue is on-ice performance. This can be fixed over time with effort and money. If UAH builds a rink that has player facilities beyond that of any other program (I'm not saying they have the money to do this) they'll attract plenty of future players. How badly do they want it. Every team wants to win, but not every program has the resources to do so at the highest level. Fact: Kids like shiny and new.
UAH has two "burdens" that a conference must bare. First is location. Not really any way to fix that other than hope more teams start-up in closer proximity. Yes, UAH could just be the next ASU and never play at home, but that isn't sustainable. They could also play all their home games in a major city (Nashville) but again then what's the point of having the team if local fans can't attend most of the games. To my understanding, the WCHA 2.0 teams playing at UAH was not a financial burden, just simply the more painful travel logistics and time.
The second issue is on-ice performance. This can be fixed over time with effort and money. If UAH builds a rink that has player facilities beyond that of any other program (I'm not saying they have the money to do this) they'll attract plenty of future players. How badly do they want it. Every team wants to win, but not every program has the resources to do so at the highest level. Fact: Kids like shiny and new.
If UAH had a winning program and top notch facilities, I have to imagine they would find a conference. They don't. They have an administration that wants to euthanize the program. Why buy a headache if you are a conference?
I'm not so sure about that. There are plenty of bad programs that fit comfortably in their conferences. Ferris hasn't had a decent winning season in a while, yet there was no question about including them in the new CCHA. I think geography and a demonstrable commitment to the hockey program are the two most important factors. Right now, UAH has neither on their side.
I think what happens with LIU will be a good indication of how Atlantic Hockey feels/felt about UAH. If LIU gets into Atlantic and UAH does not, then I think you have to say it was geography that killed the Chargers chances. If you look at everything else, there is no reason to not take UAH over / with LIU.
- Tradition - advantage UAH, they've been around for decades in D-II and now D-I
- Success - advantage UAH, multiple national championships in D-II and at times have played tough in the WCHA 2.0
- Dedicated fans/alumni - advantage UAH, hands down, they refuse to let the program die
- Finances - advantage UAH, in spite of rocky times, their supporters haven't been just talk, they've put their money where their mouth is
- Connection to AH - advantage LIU, Atlantic was willing to assist LIU with scheduling this year so it is safe to say there is already some mutual interest, if UAH had been D-I Ind. this year, would AH have been as eager to add games against them?
- Location - advantage LIU, the Sharks are the easier trip for Atlantic teams when compared to UAH
Wild idea: how about if all six conferences came up with a scheduling agreement with the independent schools that got them some home games?
Doesnt have to be as altruistic as forcing someone to have them in a conference, but I’d imagine spreading the pain for UA/UAA/UAH over 50-odd programs might be more palatable for everyone involved.