Master of Science
Ok foodies and other folks. I have a few questions for you. I am currently working on my PhD studying fish nutirtion and physiology in the aquaculture setting. My research (as well as most of the research in my lab) involves trying to develop new feeds and feeding strategies for aquaulture that will not only result in good growth and performance for the fish but in a quality product for the consumer. At the same time we are trying to reduce reliance on marine feedstuffs and increase the sustainability of the aquacutlure industry (which worldwide produces over half of all seafood consumed by humans). For example, right now I am doing studies on using alternative sources of energy (fat) in rainbow trout diets, coupled with an alternative feeding strategy that will hopefully reduce our reliance on marine derived feedstuffs (fish oil) while still producing a quality fillet for the consumers. Preliminary results have shown that using the right alternative oil source and being selective about when we use the alternative and when we use fish oil, we can still produce a fillet that has either the same amount or slightly more good Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA especially) than if we just used fish oil the whole time. The levels in the fillet of these farm raised fish would be similar to those that are wild caught as well. This same strategy can be applied to pretty much any farm raised fish. We have decided that we need to take a closer look at the economics of this alternative strategy as well as how these farm raised fish might be perceived compared to both traditional farm raised fish and wild fish. I will be creating and conducting a survey that I will be spreading around in the future but before I can do that I was hoping that you might be able to help me by giving me some of your thoughts on this. It may help me to develop some of my questions once I have an idea what people think.
So what are your thoughts on Farm raised fish vs wild fish?
Do you prefer one over the other? Why?
If you are ok with farm raised fish would you be willing to pay more for it if you knew it was sustainablly raised and was also local (like it was harvested shipped to your market live and is still alive in the tanks ready for you to buy it all within a few hours)?
Would you be willing to pay more for the same fish if they have better nutritional value (IE higher omega-3 content)
How often do you eat fish?
Do you view fish as a luxury food, a regular source of protein in the same lines as beef or poultry, "brain food" etc?
Any other thoughts?
You dont have to answer all those questions or any of them. Just give me your thoughts and maybe I can help clear some things up for you at the same time (a lot of people are misinformed about farm raised seafood and seafood in general). Hopefully this will help me begin to develop some questions for my survey based on the kinds of things you say.
Oh and I will say this. At a recent conference of food science educators I served some of my rainbow trout in a blind taste test. The people who participated were convinced that they would be able to tell the difference between the traditional farm raised fish and those I did on the alternative strategy. Not only could most of them NOT tell the difference, most either ended up prefering the alternative fish or felt that both were eqaully good. The same thing happend with hybrid stripped bass when we took them to a culinary school in Chicago.
So what are your thoughts on Farm raised fish vs wild fish?
Do you prefer one over the other? Why?
If you are ok with farm raised fish would you be willing to pay more for it if you knew it was sustainablly raised and was also local (like it was harvested shipped to your market live and is still alive in the tanks ready for you to buy it all within a few hours)?
Would you be willing to pay more for the same fish if they have better nutritional value (IE higher omega-3 content)
How often do you eat fish?
Do you view fish as a luxury food, a regular source of protein in the same lines as beef or poultry, "brain food" etc?
Any other thoughts?
You dont have to answer all those questions or any of them. Just give me your thoughts and maybe I can help clear some things up for you at the same time (a lot of people are misinformed about farm raised seafood and seafood in general). Hopefully this will help me begin to develop some questions for my survey based on the kinds of things you say.
Oh and I will say this. At a recent conference of food science educators I served some of my rainbow trout in a blind taste test. The people who participated were convinced that they would be able to tell the difference between the traditional farm raised fish and those I did on the alternative strategy. Not only could most of them NOT tell the difference, most either ended up prefering the alternative fish or felt that both were eqaully good. The same thing happend with hybrid stripped bass when we took them to a culinary school in Chicago.