Re: Happy Birthday, CollegeHockeyAddict!
Thanks everybody for the birthday wishes.
So it's Facebook, not USCHO, that tells me this piece of info...

Have a great day, CHA!
Well of course. Everybody knows that Facebook is far superior to some stupid website about some silly game played on ice. Who would ever want to watch that game? Certainly not me.
This would be why I am oblivious.
Happy Birthday CHA!!
I'm not surprised. Hot chicks are often oblivious about a lot of things.
Happy Birthday! You should go to some random hockey game wearing a Gopher jersey just to celebrate.
What are you talking about?

I would never go to some random college hockey game wearing a Gopher jersey.
Happy Birthday, CHA! I hope you enjoy the time with family and friends and the most wonderful 7 year old I know.
That wonderful 7 year old is sure a menace when she gets a hose in her hands. She sure had fun getting me wet.
For your birthday, I won't give you driving directions in Detroit.
I won't have listened anyway. I know better.
Happy Birthday CHA! In your honor may both the Twinkies and the Cubbies win today!
Well aparently your powers are lacking. The Twins lost both yesterday and tonight. I was at the game tonight.
Normally I wouldn't be so friendly towards Gopher fans, but I think there should be an exception for a few of them.
Happy Birthday!
Do I know these few Gopher fans that you are willing to make an exception for? Personally I find that most college hockey fans are cool except Michigan Tech fans. Which team do you root for again?
Hbd Cha!
I'm honored that my favorite muppet wished me a happy birthday. Actually everybody knows that Gonzo is cleary an inferior muppet. Hi inferior muppet.
Happy birthday, man-named-after-conference.
Get it straight Adjustable Rate Mortage the conference was named after me. It's my conference. Unfortunately CHA is going down the tubes.
Hey! What's this? A birthday? If you don't have a good one you'll swim with the fishes!!
No please no I promise to be good. Oh he!! who am I kidding that's a promise that I'll never be able to keep.
Ok, so I think I'm wishing you a happy birthday late. But I'm also wishing you a happy birthday from the future!
wT is late.

Apparently the Chinesse boy did more then just grap her butt.
Since you're in the future don't tell me what happens I want to be surprised.