We're still talking about this? Seriously?
GWOT? We're still fighting it, right?
Afghanis, Pakistanis, coalition troops, US taxpayers, and anybody who waits in line at the airport thinks so.Are we? Really?
Is Democracy for everyone? Do many care, or will the benevolent despot work as long as there is a decent standard of living? Democracy works for us and for many other countries, but is it for everyone?
Excatly, so why do we want the full blown 21st Century version for the world, when government Mark 13 may be the better solution?To me, the question isn't as much is it for everyone, as much as is it for everyone right now? In theory a government where all voices are heard is for everyone regardless of the specific form it takes (i.e. number of branches, all of those details). But people also aren't ready overnight, regardless of how much one tries to impose it on people; people needs to live and learn, and have some experiments with dispersing power too broadly or concentrating it too closely to know why those are bad ideas so they don't do it again. I mean, look at England from the Magna Carta almost 800 years ago to the full representation of the last century or so and note how many hiccups and refinements it takes.
Afghanis, Pakistanis, coalition troops, US taxpayers, and anybody who waits in line at the airport thinks so.
Edit: I haven't followed many of these links, but this guy has aggregated the most recent news, considering CNN and Fox are too busy with MJ's funeral to cover such minor matters.
To me, the question isn't as much is it for everyone, as much as is it for everyone right now? In theory a government where all voices are heard is for everyone regardless of the specific form it takes (i.e. number of branches, all of those details). But people also aren't ready overnight, regardless of how much one tries to impose it on people; people needs to live and learn, and have some experiments with dispersing power too broadly or concentrating it too closely to know why those are bad ideas so they don't do it again. I mean, look at England from the Magna Carta almost 800 years ago to the full representation of the last century or so and note how many hiccups and refinements it takes.
Long Term debate:
Isolationism vs. World's Cop. Wish I knew the answer. However, if I was in charge.....
I would call Bejing and ask them if they want a puppet state above the 38th parallel and below Manchuria. If they said yes, I say, I'm not stopping you as long as you stay on your side of the line. The way I figure it, about 100 people have to disappear and all will be copacetic in Korea.
I don't think anyone wants a crazy nuke capable country sitting just south of my border and abutting major trading partners. Very bad for the bottom line, you know.
As to Al Qaeda, keep them running and let them discredit themselves. Try not to make Osama a martyr. Hopefully a run of spectacular failures will eventuallty cause this movement to collapse upon itself. We're not going to get rid of radical Islam by ourselves. They mullahs will have to do that.
Is Democracy for everyone? Do many care, or will the benevolent despot work as long as there is a decent standard of living? Democracy works for us and for many other countries, but is it for everyone?
Excatly, so why do we want the full blown 21st Century version for the world, when government Mark 13 may be the better solution?
And we had the opportunity to start anew (a la Japanese manufacturing after WWII) so we bypassed some of the evolution. But, if we look at Europe now, is that us in 50 years? 100 years?
That's a job for the SEC.....Imagine Alabama with the bomb.
That's a job for the SEC.....
That's a job for the SEC.....
I don't know if Europe is necessarily ahead of us. I mean, you could argue we've only been here for 200+ years whereas most of theose countries have had much longer, but I think that ignores what we inherited from England, which is in most ways our past too. And frankly England was usually taking the lead in less autocratic forms of government, so all in all I don't see Old Europe as ahead of us (not that they're necessarily behind us, I don't see this as quantifiably measurable).
yeah, it is more of a vague notion than something I'd point right to...thinking that as we have become more diverse, have less manufacturing and are more dependent on the world we will act more like European countries (good and bad) socially and politically
I think its arrogant to say democracy is only for whites, Europeans, Westerners, etc. Everybody ! has the right to be free. There is no litmus test.
I agree, luckily no one was arguing that.