Actually did that the other day- he pinged it twice while I was gone.
He needs a bigger gun so he kills it instead of pinging it. Just a regular old .22 should do it, hardly louder than a snap. Could even use a short round and be subsonic, if he's close enough it'd still kill. Hell, even a good pellet gun would kill a groundhog if it's accurate. I know I finished enough ground squirrels with a pellet gun in my day. That or a trap. Can even live trap it and relocate it to New Hampshire, or a river bottom.
Pellets haven't done it. Need a license for a 22.
Has he ever tried his hand with a bow and arrow?? would be highly effective in dropping the Varmit-Cong, and it's quiet. can't be that far of a shot right?Pellets haven't done it. Need a license for a 22.
Has he ever tried his hand with a bow and arrow?? would be highly effective in dropping the Varmit-Cong, and it's quiet. can't be that far of a shot right?
He leaves in 7 days.... there is always next yr.
At first, I thought you were referring to Cheever.
Has he ever tried his hand with a bow and arrow?? would be highly effective in dropping the Varmit-Cong, and it's quiet. can't be that far of a shot right?
Back the car up to his hole. Put a tube over your exhaust pipe and into the hole. Let the car run for a while. That'll do the trick painlessly.
Back the car up to his hole. Put a tube over your exhaust pipe and into the hole. Let the car run for a while. That'll do the trick painlessly.
Well, after we move the shed (12 X 12) to access the hole and maneuver around the various shrubs and trees in the lawn I guess that will be easy enough
Live trap with a rock in the bottom and a rope tied to the handle, take it to nearest lake or river, give it a 30 minute swimming lesson, pull up with the rope, empty trap.
Put up 30 something pints of tomato sauce. Blight is about to strike and tomato horn worms have invaded. I feed them to the chickens so what ever they eat at least feeds my hens.
How do you ferment peppers? Just salt water? tried to ferment cukes and got mold. They smelled good but didn't dare eat them