I'm done with NCAA. Warning, this is a bit of a rant so thanks for letting me vent. Long time lurker, but after 18 consecutive years, I'm done with the NCAA pricing the Frozen Four as if it were Game 7 of the Stanley Cup. It's actually amazing it has taken me this long to realize most every change has been solely to put more money in their pocket.
I won't wax long about "the good old days" blah, blah, blah. I get it. No one does anything for free. Prices rise. But after sitting at the Chicago final with empty upper level corners, I thought "Surely, the NCAA sees this." St. Paul prices went down and I figured we had hit sanity. Wrong.
The change in ticket priority AND higher prices are a combined last straw. I've had the 4th highest priority, so every year I could choose lower bowl corner or club level. And I was just fine with that. As prices went up, I figured, "Hey, at least I'm getting the same seats every year." And year after year would have the same people sitting near me. It was great and still felt like Providence or Albany back in the day.
The changes this year make it much worse. First, I'm not looking for seats with just my year priority, there are now 3x as many people (potentially) looking for seats with me. Plus, my lower bowl/club seats went up in price again (a lot). Assuming that deters others from getting those seats, more people are looking at cheaper seats than ever before.
The single ticket for 2 games continues to be a giant kick in the teeth. I have yet to hear anyone say "Gee, I'm glad it's only 1 ticket...what a great benefit!" and yet the NCAA refuses to budge.
I get it. They NCAA wanted to make it more family friendly and they've done that. Congrats. If you want to listen to so-so live music, drinking $15 Bud Lights, collecting bottles of Buffalo Wild Wings BBQ sauce while standing in a parking lot then this is the event for you.
I went back through my receipts. For the same seats, this is what it used to cost for all 3 games:
2013 - $200
2014 - $230
2015 - $250
2016 - $260
2017 - $280
2018 - $250 <-- (sweet!)
2019 - $300
So, I'm done. I know, no one likes to hear someone whine. I'll still watch the games, follow my teams, and who knows if sanity returns I can always get tickets again. It's good news for those in priority behind me...you're moving up.
Enjoy that, because by the time Boston rolls around again, it'll be $350 for lower bowl and $300 to sit in the upper deck. Yikes. I shudder to think what Tampa will cost next time it comes up.