Visitors? What are these "seasonal visitors" of which you speak? Personally, I think we need a third option, like "Undecided", "RFK jr", or everyone's favorite, "Bacon."
For those who have spent a number of seasons on this forum, we've seen many a "fire <coach>" post come and go. The message is something like: a) coach can't recruit; b) there is a ton of talent on this team; c) coach can't develop this talent that is playing for the coach who can't recruit talent; and d) coach doesn't win games and never will.
Is there some truth to these posts? Well, yeah ... dissatisfaction is usually reflected in the "L" column. What tends to annoy long-term fans of a program is when these posts come from fans who haven't been on the forum previously and fire coach is the subject of every post they make. If the coach persists in losing and is ultimately fired or resigns, the "fire coach" posters seem to quickly disappear.
Towards the end of the Digit Murphy era at Brown, I remember a handful of "fire coach" posters descending. A parent of a Brown player tried to keep the team thread positive and focused on supporting the team, but it quickly became impossible when the game/player-focused posts were drowned out by those calling for the coach's head. Soon, Murphy was gone and so were they. Have you seen a Brown thread around here lately?
While these posters have a right to say what they want, other forum members aren't obligated to counter or even acknowledge their posts. As for TTT, he's the same person he was when he showed up as a BC freshman and became an ardent fan through the program's rise, scandal, rebirth, glory years, and recently, decline. He can be insufferable when BC wins, a flaw most of us share when our own teams succeed, but he has contributed to the forum after wins and losses. I salute both his hockey writing and maths that keep us informed. Even if you don't agree with him axing a thread from a past season and tossing the baby out with the bathwater, IMO, it is a small price to pay to have access to all of the tools that he has made available to us over the years.
I wouldn't label reggie as a troll. Their posts tend to be thoughtful and reflect a passion for BC; I consider them worth reading. Reggie could certainly start a thread and post whatever in it, secure in the knowledge that as long as the thread remains civil, it will survive TTT's whims. I hope that happens. In the meantime, I'll try to consider how I might view coach Crowley if she had taken over my team after it had been rocked by a scandal and led it to the brink of history. Given Frosty did a better job of hanging banners in his team's glory days and I can't be bothered to defend him most of the time, I'd probably be far more fickle than TTT is.