French Rage
There is a VERY sizable chunk of the Southeast that is both white AND relies on Medicaid/Disability/SNAP/etc. Within Appalachia its almost impossible to not know someone who is getting something like that. And for many, it's their lone path to leading something that resembles a "normal" life.
And being stereotypical "Albino Dumpster Content", many own red hats.
Chris Rock:
Black people are 10% of the f*cking population, Black people are in New York, DC, LA, Chicago, Atlanta … like, ten places, ok? Ok? Ten places … there ain’t no black people in Minnesota! All you find… the only black people in Minnesota are Prince and Kirby Puckett, ok? Sh!t, the whole rest of the country, the other 40 states, is filled up with broke-ass white people! Broke-ass, living in a trailer home, eating mayonnaise sandwiches, f*cking their sister, listening to John Cougar Mellancamp records!