Re: Democratic Challengers 9: Can we climb this mountain? I don't know.
Sherrod isn't a "centrist"
Dump won it by over 150,000 votes. It's a goner for sure if a centrist is nominated, IMO.
Sherrod isn't a "centrist"
scoring a 5.92 out of 100 in his lifetime ACU rating, ranking him among the most liberal senators. He’s rated 13 out of 100 by the NRA, 4 percent lifetime by Club for Growth, 3 percent by Americans for Prosperity, 2 percent by NumbersUSA, a zero by the Center for Security Policy, a zero by the American Energy Alliance, and a zero by Citizens Against Government Waste.
He’s rated 100 percent lifetime — meaning he’s never voted against their preferred position — by Planned Parenthood and NARAL (abortion), the Brady Campaign (gun control), the Human Rights Campaign (gay rights), the National Education Association (teacher’s unions), National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (government workers and spending), Council on Islamic-American Relations, the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, a 93 percent out of 100 by the League of Conservation Voters, and anywhere from 83 to 100 by various labor unions.