Re: # days until Jutting is collecting unemnployment
Frankly, he got hired due to his ties to MSU. He's been affiliated with the school for 26 years running. He's a good dude that played here, was an assistant coach here, and then became the coach because he was hand picked by Don Brose. He's not a bad guy and probably not a bad coach, but a new voice was needed. I don't condone the "reveling" that people are doing. And I always was uncomfortable with the "Fire Jutting" chants (as I am with anyone having to hear that). I can't imagine what it's like to hear that kind of thing about your spouse or dad. That would be horrible.
Unfortunately, all civility goes out the window when it comes to sports. No team is immune to it because people feel that them paying $17 for a ticket gives them the right to say or do anything. It's unfortunate, but I do think most of these guys understand what they're getting into when they are hired. They know at some point it's going to happen to them. That doesn't make it right, it just makes it realistic.
Just thinking out loud here but what happens that, on the day he was hired and for several years after, he is a great coach but sometime in there he loses his abilities and gets canned? Certainly some coaches are better than others, but I wonder, if he is such a crummy coach, why did you hire him in the first place.?
Frankly, he got hired due to his ties to MSU. He's been affiliated with the school for 26 years running. He's a good dude that played here, was an assistant coach here, and then became the coach because he was hand picked by Don Brose. He's not a bad guy and probably not a bad coach, but a new voice was needed. I don't condone the "reveling" that people are doing. And I always was uncomfortable with the "Fire Jutting" chants (as I am with anyone having to hear that). I can't imagine what it's like to hear that kind of thing about your spouse or dad. That would be horrible.
Unfortunately, all civility goes out the window when it comes to sports. No team is immune to it because people feel that them paying $17 for a ticket gives them the right to say or do anything. It's unfortunate, but I do think most of these guys understand what they're getting into when they are hired. They know at some point it's going to happen to them. That doesn't make it right, it just makes it realistic.