It seems our society has lost the capacity for a good zinger directed only at its one intended target. Too much of what passes for "insults" these days are merely slurs that can apply to a wide range of people.
There are some famous stories about good insults that applied only to the one person at whom they were directed.
For example, there is a story about George Bernard Shaw, seated at dinner next to a young woman. He asks her if she would have sex with him for 100,000 pounds (something like $5 million in today's dollars at that period's exchange rate). She blushes, flutters her lashes, and coquettishly replies, "Oh, Mr. Shaw....."
He then asks her if she would have sex with him for tuppence. She indignantly replies "what kind of a woman do you think I am!"
His imperturbable answer: "We've already established we are merely negotiating price."
There are some famous stories about good insults that applied only to the one person at whom they were directed.
For example, there is a story about George Bernard Shaw, seated at dinner next to a young woman. He asks her if she would have sex with him for 100,000 pounds (something like $5 million in today's dollars at that period's exchange rate). She blushes, flutters her lashes, and coquettishly replies, "Oh, Mr. Shaw....."
He then asks her if she would have sex with him for tuppence. She indignantly replies "what kind of a woman do you think I am!"
His imperturbable answer: "We've already established we are merely negotiating price."