First Time Long Time
Dump attacking dr brix today
That was expected...she went off on her own. Can't do that.
Dump attacking dr brix today
Arizona superintendent: "The governor has told us we have to open ... or else we miss out on 5% of our funding ... COVID is spreading all over this area and hitting my staff, and now it feels like there's a gun to my head. I already lost one teacher."
"JUST IN: Journalist covering Trump trip to Florida tests positive for coronavirus"
Send them home to remind them that it does not. This isn't hard.
Remind them the plethora of laws that keep people healthy- air and water pollution, work safety, crash safety, etc- that are exactly what mask mandates are.
People sure are spending money in my town. It's like the virus doesn't exist.
If it weren't for the governor's orders limiting capacity, every place in town would be packed full.
Let's put #COVID19 into some historical context and try to give it some perspective
Thanks to @BallouxFrancois, who pointed out that COVID is most similar to the 1957 Asian Flu Pandemic, I did some research
It made me realize how completely unremarkable this whole crisis is
Forcing this open isn't going to make this better. What IS going to happen is that people will see infections getting worse, people dying- and they will keep not spending money. Seems like the backlash for rushing is going to be worse than doing it right.
Something that is not happening. People are NOT thinking. Had a family member message me today asking my opinion re whether the kid should return to University or not. I laid out all the stuff I knew. GOt a comment back- I don't see how that will work. Yup. Why are the schools presenting it like they are going to be successful. As a parent it is tough to talk about it to the kid. $$.I'm curious to see what happens come September once the weather turns and many areas lose the ability to have outdoor seating... I would think that they should be screaming like hell to get people on board now instead of ignoring the mask mandates...