First Time Long Time
Your silly measures don’t stop a virus.
Better than doing nothing like you and your ilk want.
But death is all that matters and everyone else is fine right dipshit?
Your silly measures don’t stop a virus.
Better than doing nothing like you and your ilk want.
But death is all that matters and everyone else is fine right dip****?
A better reply would be- you mean like it hasn't stopped it and save lives in South Korea, or New Zealand? Or even most of Europe? You mean all of those lack of infections and accompanying deaths?
Do nothing, thousands die and the economy goes to crap. Do a lot, thousands survive, and the economy gets back on track across the board. That's exactly how it's played out all over the world.
Why are people so dense to not see that?
In an alternate reality, I'm imagining President Hillary Clinton getting out in front of this, activating the pandemic response team, and putting responsible people in charge as well as trusting the CDC and the WHO, instead of doctors who think God is watching us while having sex. At the very least, I don't think we'd be debating how to safely open schools.
Yes Jeb...being cautious is better than doing nothing.
i swear you and Trump are peas in a pod.
Your sources are BS Twitter putzes who can't even use their real names but you are the one who's right?
Delusions of grandeur indeed.
Who is locked down right now? Who was ever actually locked down? Unless they were defying judicial orders...i don't know of anyone who was locked down. As don't get that just because you appear healthy doesn't mean you don't have it. It also doesn't mean you can't get it and spread it without knowing it or that nothing happens to you if you don't die.
All of these things have been said to you numerous times...yet you continue to insist you and your anonymous Twitter statisticians must be right and actual doctors must be wrong.
Your delusions are really incredible.
The initial premise was measures with the intent to make sure the medical and hospital system was not overwhelmed.
What is the premise now? The way you are talking is as if it is to get to zero cases?
The US has had 4.7 million “cases” which doesn’t even mean infections. But will leave that aside. 4.7 million cases since the onset. Those aren’t active all at once most are long gone and recovered. We live in a country of 330 million people the vast majority don’t and will not have a Covid 19 infection. The majority of this mandates are pointless and provide no value.
“Panic over rising Covid-19 case numbers is as irrational as it is dangerous
The number of recorded cases is irrelevant: what matters is admissions to hospital and deaths“ you have been told before (I swear you are incapable of reading or learning) the premise has not changed. As for the rest of your's your usual BS...especially the last line. Man that's dangerous but no surprise you subscribe to it.
Holy **** you've got problems...
So the premise is still making sure hospitals have capacity and aren’t overwhelmed? That’s it?
News flash for you...
Bold part. That’s not an argument. In fact it makes any argument you are making appear week.
That is the major premise for states and cities yes.
and no shock you're too stupid to see that both things I say can be true. That hospitals and deaths are important but so are cases in general... especially with a virus that can be and has been easily spread by asymptomatic people.
And BTW...the word is weak you moron.
Hospitals are not being over run. So now that parameters need to be met?
If “cases in general” are important what does that mean? What is the parameter there?
When can businesses that are affected by mandates right now see those restrictions eased or lifted? Especially ones in areas where their health system isn’t overwhelmed? Which is pretty much everywhere.
What is the parameter for schools to open in areas that don’t have an overburdened medical system? Which is pretty much everywhere.
FT, I know you like debating the dunce but do you realize 90% of your posts quote it? It's like you are actively assisting it hijacking the thread.
Does anybody know if dogs are more likely to chase their tales the dumber they are?