Lucia Apologist
There are plenty of foxes and some coyotes in the area. We saw a lot of the first and a surprising number of the second at our old house only a mile from there, in Minneapolis proper. Also, I keep seeing the argument that a six foot tall person can’t drown in two feet of water. First of all, yes they totally can. Secondly, Crystal Lake’s maximum depth is not two feet. C’mon.
And swimming with clothes on is extremely different than in a swimsuit. We had to do that for a unit in gym class. Had our swimming unit for like a couple weeks and then we did a week of survival stuff. One of the days included jumping in the deep end with full clothes on. It was significantly more difficult. Obviously the looser and baggier the clothes, the more difficult it was. I don't suspect he was wearing skinny jeans, but I could be wrong.