Well...as many have said: "People have a right to their own opinions, but not a right to their own set of facts"...Yours truly, along with several others, have presented hard, cold facts/metrics, etc. regarding the last 15 years of our MIH program...I have plenty more at my disposal and observations from a number of individuals (who shall, as always, go nameless) that the program is in dire need of fresh blood, young enthusiasm and real recruiting reach to elevate us from consistent mediocrity. If I - or others - opt to look at the current situation as "the glass being half full" at least give us our due...we have been right ON THE FACTS...I support the program (although my SPC contributions are tangibly down) and the great kids who do their best for men's hockey. Colgate has had good support from President Casey and the Board...the $38M rink project was a real success in its design and functionality...other schools (the Ivies) blew off the 2020-21 season and credit should accrue to our President, the current AD and others...at different times St. Lawrence, RPI and Union have dealt with administrative incompetence and, at best, lukewarm MIH support (SLU seems to be re-emerging)...so both our program and the league in general find themselves in a static or declining position...Brown, Yale and Princeton have all suffered (Cornell and Harvard are always the exception here)...Dartmouth, too, has been mediocre at best, but with the arrival of Reid Cashman (Pecknold's first real star and a Pecknold acolyte) I would opine that their program will be in the ascent in a year or two...The Bottom Line here: both the ECAC in general and Colgate Hockey specifically need to "up their games", delve into the 21 century, and make a conscious effort to attract top tier talent and lift the reputation of our league. I'd love to look at the glass being "half full"...but I'll wait for something concrete while being, as usual, a little ornery and impatient...I think I've paid my dues...