I had totally forgotten this, but he's Fogarty's right hand man (or was Foges a lefty?). Associate Head Coach at Princeton.
Liberty League released details yesterday on upcoming football plans. Looks like athletes won't return until all students do, shortened football schedule starting in late September. it wouldn't shock me if this is how ECAC hockey season unfolds...(shortened season starting in January) if we are fortunate enough to have hockey at all.
I just tried emailing David Riggs at the Colgate ticket office and received an automated reply stating that ‘I am no longer employed by Colgate University’ and directing me to email Brigid St. Leger, interim assistant athletic director for marketing and fan engagement. I feel bad as I always enjoyed working with David Riggs.
From RPI..
Athletics and Intramural Sports: For NCAA programs, Institute teams will not participate in intercollegiate athletics during the Fall 2020 season. The decision to participate in intercollegiate athletic competitions during the Winter 2020 and Spring 2021 seasons will be made at an appropriate time, and will be informed by an evaluation of the state of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Institute will continue to confer with the NCAA, the ECAC, and the Liberty League regarding subsequent decisions. Our recreation and intramural programs will be in complete alignment with federal, state, county, and institutional health and safety policies and protocols for testing, tracing, tracking, treatment, and quarantine or isolation as necessary.