Re: Colgate 2019-20
Gate83, do look me up tonight at Union game.
I agree... I thought the second half of the first period, and the first minute of the second were decent for us. Turns out it’s a 60-minute game though.
Since I became a season ticket holder in 2017, I have not been too critical of our goalies as we often ask them to do absolutely everything... play goalie, be our defense (when we seemingly have none in front of you) and, if you can, try to score a goal too (when our offense has trouble ‘manufacturing goals’). Having said that, we suddenly seem to be hurting in that department now.
I also agree on attendance. The guy next to me had a good idea tonight... whomever controls the music inside the Arena should scout the crowd pre-game. If it’s light on college kids and an aging demographic, that person should tailor the music to the crowd. Maybe turn it down a notch, and play less rap and more Sinatra. Not a bad idea.
Where we disagree is on ‘the smart ones.’ There is a bumper sticker that reads something to the effect of... ‘a bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work.’ That is how I feel about college hockey in general and Colgate hockey is particular... a bad day is still better than watching/doing anything else.