Re: Colgate 2019-20
I did watch both games yesterday.
However, as I have said before on here, I am the last person you want to ask for a technical x’s and o’s preview.
I can only give you my opinion as a fan, and...
I don’t think Colgate is in the same league as Northeastern right now, literally nor figuratively.
I think New Hampshire is stronger than Colgate so far this season, and Northeastern’s defense just smothered them. That doesn’t bode well for a Colgate team that still is not a goal-scoring machine (though we are trending in the right direction).
I don’t worry about our goaltending in comparison to theirs. Both Mitch Benson and Andrew Farrier have proven to me that they can play ‘very well’ to ‘stand-on-your-head-extraordinary.’
I do worry the first two minutes of every period. We are not a team to come out of the locker room all fired up. In fact, we usually come out quite sluggish. Again, that doesn’t bode well against a team like Northeastern, that can come out fired up and physical. I expect Northeastern to take more penalties than us, and I expect them to successfully kill them off (not unlike BC in Hamilton earlier this year).
I think our only real chance is to score first today. I don’t care if it’s from a sharp-shooter at the point or a garbage goal in front of the net, we need to gain confidence and momentum if we are to have any chance, in my opinion. Even then, it may only be a slim chance to eventually win the game and the Belpot title. Northeastern is quite capable of coming back from a one-goal deficit.
Bottom line? I see a game very much like the BC game.... Northeastern wins 3-0 and we hold our heads high as we played competitively against an NCAA tourney-quality team, this time in an international tournament. Last year, I never could have predicted that for Colgate.
Go ‘Gate.