Roll along you BG Warriors!
The week 7 winner was Critical Thinker who posted a field crushing 26 points and has taken a 13 point lead in the race for both the MacNaughton and Beagan trophies. Honorable mentions go out to iwearpurple, John J. MacInnes, SectionP, and SweeneyHawksHockey who each went 5-for-6 missing only the Lakers upset over Tech on Friday night.
The bonus paid off for four contestants. There were 85 penalty minutes this weekend. As expected, Critical Thinker picked up 10 points followed closely by Beaverhockeyfan with 9.
As mentioned above, Critical Thinker has the lead in the Battle for the Beagan, however, a whopping 10 contestants are posting pick percentages over .600
Another bonus is on tap for week 8. It's hard to believe we are officially 1/3 of the way through the season.
Week 8 picks
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The bonus paid off for four contestants. There were 85 penalty minutes this weekend. As expected, Critical Thinker picked up 10 points followed closely by Beaverhockeyfan with 9.
Contestant Bonus
Critical Thinker 10
Beaverhockeyfan 9
GoNanooks 1
Puckdude40 1
As mentioned above, Critical Thinker has the lead in the Battle for the Beagan, however, a whopping 10 contestants are posting pick percentages over .600
Contestant Pick %
Critical Thinker .657
mikeeddy19 .631
ClassyC .631
<3_Blizzard .626
potternmu .625
MTUHuskyGold .622
SweeneyHawksHockey .621
CoHockeyMom .611
Igrh .606
Another bonus is on tap for week 8. It's hard to believe we are officially 1/3 of the way through the season.
Week 8 picks
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