As has been mentioned, the three CIS conferences are not equal. Most national champions come out of the AUS (Atlantic University Sport) or Canada West conferences. The OUA is the biggest conference (combines Ontario and Quebec hockey schools) and the weakest. Half the teams there would be Division II if we had such a thing in the CIS.
The AUS was 3-5-2 against the NCAA this past weekend, and only two games were blowouts (although several teams were heavily outshot). I'm not even going to calculate the OUA's record, as I believe only Western and Laurier pulled off a win.
The top teams in the CIS, which again tend to be in the AUS or Canada West, recruit the majority of their rosters from Major Junior. The bulk of the OUA teams recruit from Junior A and even Junior B. Only the top-end OUA teams have a lot of former Major Junior players.
I wouldn't worry about the NCAA. Rusty, but eager NCAA teams are hosting CIS teams who may have already played upwards of 7 games. In the AUS, the first official hockey practice can start after the first day of classes, which was Sept. 8 this year. UNB had their first exhibition game on Sept. 15, and they played the AHL's Portland Pirates this past Wednesday, Sept. 30, and they outshot the pros while losing 4-2.
As may have been mentioned, UNB has won two of the last three CIS championships and last year both Tim Whitehead and Jerry York said that UNB would be competitive in Hockey East, after their teams lost to UNB.
So in closing, there are some good CIS schools, like UNB, Alberta, Saint Mary's and Western, who are better than some near-sighted NCAA fans may want to believe. And yes, there are a whole bunch of CIS schools, predominantly in the OUA, who cannot be competitive with NCAA schools. But hey, those schools cannot beat the top teams in the AUS or Canada West either!