there's a good buck in that racket.
three single games?!?!?! november. january. february.
is this by design?
is this by design?
i really have an appreciation for a weekend h/h series. i am saddened that there will not be an opportunity for guys to have grudges to settle the next night. yuck.
but regardless. you have a new goalie? and i hear youre scoring goals.
i really have an appreciation for a weekend h/h series. i am saddened that there will not be an opportunity for guys to have grudges to settle the next night. yuck.
Friday's game will be televised on WBIN. Toot Cahoon will be the color guy.
No issue with walk up tickets, right?
Can we dive and goon?
No issue with walk up tickets, right?
Can they??
I know in recent years it has become more difficult to get walk ups, especially if you're a on the later side. The place is so dam small that it doesn't take much to sell out.
Take 5 minutes of your time to order them online, or call the box office at MC if you want to be sure.