A tie gets you 2nd place
BU can only finish as low as 3rd so avoiding BC until title game is already accomplished. This game today determines your path to the title game. Taking upsets out of the equation, your path as #2 would be UML and home to UMass. As #3, it would be NU and then at UMass.
Needless to say, the UMass result yesterday was a nice gift. It opens a door, and one that would be well worth walking through.
As I have paying absolutely no attention to ratings/rankings/whatever I don’t have a clue as to what’s next. When will BU play again and against whom?
According to CHN they’re at home next Sunday at 4.
The first round games are confirmed for Wednesday. Because it's a COVID season, all teams make playoffs. UVM at UML and UNH vs. Maine in a top secret location for the ridiculous reason of Maine not being allowed to play at home. Reseed after those games for QF round on Sunday.