Re: BTHC Tourney '17: The Stands May Be Empty, But The Games Still Matter
Not sure if this holds true between Grand Forks and St. Paul/Minneapolis but Denver and Colorado Springs are truly two completely different worlds politically and that did fuel some of the hatred in my opinion.
I'm sure it was because you were a Gopher fan. That doesn't make it ok though. I do know how you feel; I've been sworn at, had popcorn thrown at me, and some of my family members and friends have been scared to return to World Arena where Colorado College plays in the early to mid 2000s. There was even one game where fans were throwing cans and bottles on the ice because of what they thought was a missed call late in the 3rd period. That fan base has chilled quite a bit ever since their team has gone down the toilet though. The students don't even go to the games at World Arena anymore. They still draw a good crowd, but it is very relaxed compared to 10-15 years ago.At least in my experience, it was the complete opposite. My buddy and I got shoulder bumped by UND fans as we were walking through the concourse, taunted by little kids, and just straight up cursed/sworn at. I don't doubt that they are probably more hostile toward Gopher fan than other fanbases though.
Not sure if this holds true between Grand Forks and St. Paul/Minneapolis but Denver and Colorado Springs are truly two completely different worlds politically and that did fuel some of the hatred in my opinion.