Everyone seems ready for a new thread (perhaps as a means to cleanse our minds from the trauma experienced in 2014-15), but we were in the middle of a discussion, so I'll pick it up where we left off:
Was Russell's concussion severe? If so, I would temper expectations for him this season. Many players never see the ice again after sustaining one; examples are Chris Pronger and Marc Savard, both of whom were excellent players in their primes. I read an article a year ago or so in which Pronger indicated he still often wakes up and doesn't know where he is. It's tragic.
If Braedan sat out more for precautionary reasons, then his BCHL stats would indicate he should be a solid contributor going forward. Whittet loves big power forwards who can by physically imposing but also generate offense - Hathaway and Pryzbek come to mind - so I'm sure an effort will be made to get him into the lineup on most nights, assuming he's recovered fully.
By the way, other titles I considered for this thread were:
"Eyes on the Pryzbek"
"The Importance of Being Ernst"
"Brandon and the DePFEILers"
And though he's long-gone (a fact for which we continually give thanks to the Hockey Gods), I also thought of "Grillo-ing Up Some Wins"
If any of these are preferable by a consensus, or if someone has another great Brown-related pun that we collectively deem to be more amusing, I can just make a new thread.
Was Russell's concussion severe? If so, I would temper expectations for him this season. Many players never see the ice again after sustaining one; examples are Chris Pronger and Marc Savard, both of whom were excellent players in their primes. I read an article a year ago or so in which Pronger indicated he still often wakes up and doesn't know where he is. It's tragic.
If Braedan sat out more for precautionary reasons, then his BCHL stats would indicate he should be a solid contributor going forward. Whittet loves big power forwards who can by physically imposing but also generate offense - Hathaway and Pryzbek come to mind - so I'm sure an effort will be made to get him into the lineup on most nights, assuming he's recovered fully.
By the way, other titles I considered for this thread were:
"Eyes on the Pryzbek"
"The Importance of Being Ernst"
"Brandon and the DePFEILers"
And though he's long-gone (a fact for which we continually give thanks to the Hockey Gods), I also thought of "Grillo-ing Up Some Wins"
If any of these are preferable by a consensus, or if someone has another great Brown-related pun that we collectively deem to be more amusing, I can just make a new thread.