Tara Reade's self-published book comes out tomorrow. I'd expect the botskis to have her trending again overnight.
Tara Reade's self-published book comes out tomorrow. I'd expect the botskis to have her trending again overnight.
Tara Reade's self-published book comes out tomorrow. I'd expect the botskis to have her trending again overnight.
Yeah well between them and Trafalgar it moved the needle a bit on Nate's projection and all the Nate Haters are out whining about. It is amazing how many supposed stats people on Twitter dont get how math works ;-)
Tara Reade's self-published book comes out tomorrow. I'd expect the botskis to have her trending again overnight.
What's she been doing since American Pie?
What's she been doing since American Pie?
He still shows only a 12 in 100 chance for trump. And the Economist forecast is now at a better than 99% chance of Biden carrying the popular vote and a 95% chance of winning more EC votes. It had been 92% on Friday. The prediction at the Economist site is 350 EC votes for Biden*. Of all the polls in the aggregate in the Economist forecast that ended sometime after October 1, none are within a margin of error and 39 of the 58 show at least a double-digit lead for Biden. 52 of the 56 are "likely voters" and the others are the slightly less accurate "registered voters."
If the votes are counted fairly (Jimmy Carter, I hope your foundation is paying attention, our elections need watching as much as any observing you have ever done) Biden is going to win an election that will look like 1988.
*ETA* I should have said the polls today at the Economist site show a haul of 350 EC votes, not an actual prediction for what it will look like after Nov. 3rd.
I have to admit, I do have a fleeting temptation to grab my guns and drive around to polling centers in minority areas here, looking to see if any Meal Team Six tards could use a little counter-intimidation. However, I have more intelligence and better impulse control than they do, so I know not to look for trouble. Also my girlfriend would rightfully leave me if I did something that rash.
If you change your mind I'll be happy to join you. Unfortunately I lack your maturity and have no current significant other to temper my more rash opinions or behavior. I wish I had the maturity and courage to embrace non-violence because I should have been front and center in some of the protests this summer. So while it would have ended badly for some of the idiots I would have encountered, it also would probably end badly for me. I hate jail cells. The smell of stale urine is gross.
Stay out of Wrigley Field...
I've smelled both and Fenway Park has it beat.
Abbott orders 1000 national guard to Texas cities for election
Well lets see:
1) 82% of the total votes from 2016 have already been cast (well over 7 million votes) so wont be a ton of people to intimidate or "protect".
2) Probably guaranteed he is going to get bent over a barrel in 2022. (GOP doesnt like him either for his COVID stuff)
Great idea. You ****ed off everyone and will do nothing to accomplish your goal since the people you hope to intimidate (which is all this is) already will have voted most likely. Sounds just dumb enough to be a Republican plan.
Nothing beat the Vet in Philly for stale urine. When they built the new park it sucked not feeling like you just go anywhere. I mean the entire 700 level was a giant, round urinal. Never a line!