Peter Reynolds de-commits from BC and goes the Q route.
Sounds like you may have avoided another Wahlstrom situation.
Losing Reynolds hurts a lot tbh. Next year’s crop of forward recruits is not that good. Not one of the five forwards projected to be here in the Fall of 2021 will likely be drafted. We need to pick up our recruiting game quite a bit. I’m concerned
I think you are missing something big in your analysis and frankly, not certain of your qualifications that next year's class is not that good. It appears to be that there has been a shift towards bringing in older forwards. If you look at some of the elite teams recently they have been consistently 8 to 14 months "older" than BC. The class entering both next year and 2021 is an evolution of that strategy. Hardman certainly fit that bill last year and next year Weight, Roy, Nesterenko and Shamburger are 19 or older. The following class will have at least three forwards that are also 19 or older. It appears the Reynolds loss is big, but he had good, not great numbers at Chilliwack last year. Major juniors is always a risk with elite Canadian players.
Losing Reynolds sucks no doubt about it. I wouldn’t read too much info next years class because it’s a really bad American birth year. The NTDP will be lucky to have more than a single player drafted in the first round. If Ambrosio doesn’t get drafted then I’ll be very surprised. He should be a 4th rounder in my mind.
I would expect them to fill Reynolds spot with a very high end prospect. They’re really lucky it happened this year and he didn’t wait another year. Also to note, Cam Macdonald is the real deal coming in 2021. He was the best ‘03 min playing in America outside of the NTDP. He would’ve been a top 3 player on the NTDP if he weren’t Canadian. Ironically his QMJHL rights are owned by St. John’s. Let’s just hope whatever the massive package they had to give to Reynolds means they can’t afford to do the same with MacDonald.
You think maybe the Major Juniors are using the uncertainty surrounding colleges to their advantage? I get the feeling you may see a bunch of commits make the jump. This could be very bad for college hockey.
The flip side argument could be that professional sports could look very different (note articles about the AHL season cancellation), and all of a sudden getting a real education could be that much more important. I know it's a more ominous outlook that most families are probably not going through.
That’s a very good point about the AHL. They have always been on financial thin ice and this upcoming season will/would have seen a significant decline in attendance. Spending a couple of years (junior and senior years) getting that degree will be more important. Also, the Canadians never put much of an emphasis on a college degree, so I’m not surprised about Reynolds going major junior.
Go Eagles!
1. Are you speculating that the AHL has "always been on financial thin ice", or do you have solid knowledge regarding their finances?
2. Is there a guarantee that MJ will play next fall? Why won't Canadian junior hockey face the same uncertainty as college hockey, at least concerning whether they'll be able to play a full or partial schedule?