As long as we're rehashing (as we have for 12 years!
) the dominance of the WCHA should we again discuss reasons for the poor attendance at women's games??
I bemoan this topic every season . . .
I am NOT nor have I EVER been the parent of a player. I am not, nor have I ever been a hockey player. I'm one of those rare birds that went to a UMD game and have missed very few since . . . 11 years so far. I love the game. If the women's game could manage to keep the fans (parents, family members) that follow a specific player we'd double the # of fans at most games. But, those family members pretty much seem to fade away. Is this because the game doesn't hold their interest when "their" player graduates????
(Just one way to enter the conversation . . . )
Is there anything at all that can be done to improve interest in the game???

I bemoan this topic every season . . .
I am NOT nor have I EVER been the parent of a player. I am not, nor have I ever been a hockey player. I'm one of those rare birds that went to a UMD game and have missed very few since . . . 11 years so far. I love the game. If the women's game could manage to keep the fans (parents, family members) that follow a specific player we'd double the # of fans at most games. But, those family members pretty much seem to fade away. Is this because the game doesn't hold their interest when "their" player graduates????
(Just one way to enter the conversation . . . )
Is there anything at all that can be done to improve interest in the game???